Safer Space Massage Therapy is dedicated to providing a supportive and caring environment for your massage therapy needs
Safer Space Massage Therapy is dedicated to providing a supportive and caring environment for your massage therapy needs
May 28th, 2020
>>The Rundown: Masks worn by both parties, extensive sanitation of surfaces and laundry, hand washing upon arriving and leaving, debit or credit only, health checks/screening before and at appointment, no access to waiting room, no early arrival. Remember there is always a risk. <<
I want you all to feel assured that I am going to do everything I can to prevent any spread of COVID-19 at my home practice. But I do need your help. The following are some of the new protocols in place to keep things flowing and help lower any chance of transmission.
Before your appointment: It goes without saying, if you have any possible symptoms of COVID-19 your session must be cancelled. I will be implementing extra screening measures to make sure this is followed. If you are questioning any symptoms before your arrival please try to cancel (text or email) with as much notice as possible before your scheduled appointment time. If you can't make it I will try to fill the spot with a client on my waitlist - so please do your best to give me a heads up
Please wear a mask: wearing a mask at my home is a simple (and mandatory) way for us all to knock out one of the biggest risks of contraction. I will be wearing a mask too and will give you instruction as to what is required for in session mask protocol.If you are unable to acquire a mask I can supply you with one for an extra $2 added to your massage price.
Potential Risk: While I will be taking many measures to minimize risk of viral transmission, the nature of massage therapy means that physical distancing is not possible in the treatment room. It's important to understand that there is a potential risk of infection to the COVID-19 virus through receiving massage therapy treatment and I want to be forthcoming about this.If you are uncomfortable with this potential risk, I understand! And if at any point during your time at my home you become uneasy and decide it's best you end a session, I will support you.
No early arrivals: I am giving myself lots of time between clients to properly sanitize everything. My front door will remain locked between clients and I ask that arriving clients wait on the ramp or in their vehicles if you arrive more than 5 minutes before your appointment time. The best thing to do would be to shoot me a text when you get here and I'll let you know if I'm all set!
I'll be wearing a mask, but smiling behind it! If you have any questions or concerns you would like to check in about before your appointment during COVID-19 please feel free to DM, email or text me. Looking forward to seeing you!
November 2nd, 2019
SSMT is now offering gift certificates! Portioned into 30, 60, and 90-minute sessions, you now have the opportunity to give the gift of massage this holiday season. Email or DM on Instagram to purchase someone’s favorite present of the season!
October 1st, 2019
Surprise! Starting this month, SSMT is officially open full-time! I want to take a moment to thank each and every person who supported me in making my little queer dream come true. Whether you have come for a massage, referred a friend or family member, or shared my business on social media, you’ve done your part to help Safer Space Massage Therapy thrive. It becomes more clear all the time that we need dedicated spaces for LGBTQ2+ folks to receive care, support, and healing.
July 17th, 2019
I was featured in the Coast! If you would like to read the profile, please check it out here: